
Posted on July 16, 2015 by Eliece Rybak

….God has the power to send all to hell;
….Everyone deserves hell;
….God is under no obligation to keep the sinner out of hell.

“Hell is not the choice of God; Hell is the choice of man who rejects God.”

“Religions and/or religious leaders came to make bad men good,

but Jesus Christ came to make dead men …alive.”

Ravi Zacharis

Jim Elliot quote.

Posted on September 2, 2019 by Eliece Rybak

“Seems impossible that I am so near my senior year at this place, and truthfully, it hasn’t the glow about it that I rather expected. There is no such thing as attainment in this life; as soon as one arrives at a long-coveted position he only jacks up his desire another notch or so and looks for higher achievement – a process which is ultimately suspended by the intervention of death. Life is truly likened to a rising vapor, coiling, evanescent, shifting. May the Lord teach us what it means to live in terms of the end.”

“He makes His ministers a flame of fire. Am I ignitable? God deliver me from the dread asbestos of ‘other things.’ Saturate me with the oil of the Spirit that I may be a flame. But flame is transient, often short-lived. Canst thou bear this, my soul – short life? In me there dwells the Spirit of the Great Short-Lived, whose zeal for God’s house consumed Him. ‘Make me Thy Fuel, Flame of God.’”

“God, I pray thee, light these idle sticks of my life and may I burn for Thee. Consume my life, my God, for it is Thine. I seek not a long life, but a full one, like you, Lord Jesus.”


From an early age, Jim Elliot understood that followers of Christ must view their time on earth with an eternal perspective. Even as a young college student, he realized that life without God was a cycle of meaningless effort – “as soon as one arrives at a long-coveted position he only jacks up his desire another notch or so and looks for higher achievement.” Rather than chase after the world’s fleeting pleasures, Jim Elliot resolved to commit himself to God’s purposes. He followed his convictions into the mission field, and ultimately to his death. In the eyes of the world, Jim Elliot’s life was unremarkable, even tragic – he never achieved any great fame or wealth, he died very young, and he didn’t live to see the fruit of his own missionary work. But from the viewpoint of God’s kingdom, he led a life of extraordinary power and significance. Today, thousands of Christians look to Jim Elliot as a shining example of genuine faith.

Not everyone is called to be a missionary martyr in Ecuador. However, we can all aspire to receive the kind of faith that Jim Elliot had. True faith in Christ is not exclusive to special people at certain times – any person at any age can receive the gift of faith from God. Likewise, a life of faith can take many forms. John 12:26 says: “Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.” Serving God means following our faith into the places where he calls us to be, including our classrooms and campuses. When we make our relationship with God the first priority, we can receive direction for our lives no matter where we are. God wants us to experience joyful faith in him that is far greater than our old desires for the temporary things of this world.


“We may often spend a large amount of time praying for our immediate wants and needs. There’s nothing wrong with this – after all, God wants to bless us in every way. But today, focus on praying for a greater sense of God’s direction in your life, including your studies and professional endeavors. Ask for increased faith in God that will inspire you to follow him in the long term. As Scripture says, our Father will honor those who serve him, in this life and into eternity.”

(copied/unknown author)

Jim Elliot, Martyred for Jesus Christ in 1956

Posted on July 19, 2015 by Eliece Rybak


 The following are excerpts from the Journal of Jim Elliot:


Psalm 42

11 Chron. 15:8…repair the altar of the Lord;   verse 12:  “seek the Lord…with all your heart…”;  verse 15;  “sought Him with their whole desire”, and “He was found by them.  And the Lord gave them rest…”.

Psalm 57:7   “My heart is fixed”;   verse 11: “Be Thou exhaulted…”

Psalm 63   (Verse 7 …“rejoicing in the shadow of His wings.)

Psalm 37

 Jim Elliot:

Committed myself to God….a sacrifice as Isaac…Accept me…

Anything else….if He should consume it…not laying a hand on it to retrieve it for myself.  If Thou should call me to resign what most I prize, it never was mine. I only yield what was Thine.   Thy will be done.         (Joshua 5 & 6)

Devoted things to God as a burnt offering….

Fix my heart wholly Lord to follow Thee….in no detail to touch what is not mine.

The cross is final.

His withholding has served to intensify my desire for Him.  The hungrier one is, the greater the appreciation for food.  He has given me a hunger for Him.  He Only…. promises water to the thirsty….satiation to the “unsatisfied” (not dissatisfied), filling those famished for righteousness.  He has, by concealing Himself, longings that can only be satisfied when Psalm 17:15 is realized.

He holds us from each other, that He might draw us to Himself. Draw me, Lord.


11 Chron.20:12b … “Our eyes are upon Thee.”  I will run after Thee.   I seek His will only…alone.

“Lord, saturate me with the oil of the Spirit that I may be a flame for Thee.”

( “Make me Thy fuel, Flame of God.” …Amy Carmichael)

The “rest” of faith…is fact, especially the resurrection of Christ.

 If our faith rests on things we hope God is going to do for us temporarily in this world only, that kind of faith is bound to be shaken.

 Even flowers need to be in the dark…apart from light for a time.

Jim’s Covenant  with God:

….glorify Himself to the uttermost in me …or

….slay me

By His grace I shall not have His second best.

He heard me…a life of sacrificial Sonship.

 He cannot fail me.

Trust Him…He will not lead His child into situations he cannot bear…he becomes our “way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.”

 I must bear “spirit-fruit” where I am.  Do I expect Him to change this…….?  This is my opportunity designed by a sovereign God for me to bear fruit for Him.


 What is it in my life   ….for which I cannot trust Him?   ….for which I am not trusting Him?

(Excerpt from the hymn…. “All for Jesus”)

“Oh, what wonder! How amazing!

 Jesus, glorious King of Kings,

 Deigns to call me His beloved,

 Lets me rest beneath His wings.”        (Excerpt from “All for Jesus”)

Posted in Daily Treasures for the Soul and SpiritEncouragement for the HeartStatements from Men and Women of RenownUncategorized

Posted in Statements from Men and Women of Renown

John Hyde (“Praying Hyde”)

Posted on December 14, 2017 by Eliece Rybak

John Hyde was a missionary to India from 1892 to 1911.

Thousands of souls were won to Christ in that time.

His friends that knew him well

knew that his one great characteristic was holiness.

Prayer was his life work, and he was a great soul winner, but his soul-winning was due to his Christ-like character.  Scripture says, “Without holiness not man shall see the Lord.”  We may scripturally say without holiness no man shall be a great soul winner.  Mr. Hyde himself said in substance, “Self must not only be dead but buried out of sight, for the stench  of the unburied self-life will frighten souls away from Jesus”.  He lived the sanctified life.

His life’s desires were:

  • a closer walk with the Lord through prayer
  • live a life of holiness
  • reach the lost at any cost

Hyde discovered the power of intercessory prayer, and the results were staggering.  He proved that prayer was an evangelical force in India: by faith he claimed one soul a day, then two, then four.  Through his intercessory prayer, God was able to work in remarkable ways in conventions, churches, and personal lives.  It is no surprise that he was often called “The Apostle of Prayer”.

Posted in Daily Treasures for the Soul and SpiritStatements from Men and Women of Renown


Posted on May 5, 2020 by Eliece Rybak

Elisabeth Elliot said… Jan 8th 1956:
“When I sat by my short wave radio and learned that my husband was missing,
the Lord brought to mind what the prophet Isaiah (43:2) said …
‘when thou passest through the waters I will be with thee’ “.

“Suffering is the irreplaceable medium
through which I learned the indispensable truth that
He is LORD.”

She was soon to learn that her husband Jim Elliot was one of 5 men who were speared to death trying to give the Gospel to a tribe of Indians in Ecuador.

Posted in Statements from Men and Women of RenownSuffering / GriefUncategorized

C.T. Studd Quotes

Posted on October 4, 2020 by Eliece Rybak

“Some want to live within the sound
Of church or chapel bell;
I want to run a rescue shop,
Within a yard of hell.”
― C.T. Studd

“Only one life, ’twill soon be past,
Only what’s done for Christ will last.”
― C.T. Studd

“If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him.”
― C.T. Studd

“Let us not glide through this world and then slip quietly into heaven, without having blown the trumpet loud and long for our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Let us see to it that the devil will hold a thanksgiving service in hell, when he gets the news of our departure from the field of battle.”
― C.T. Studd

“The light that shines farthest shines brightest nearest home.”
― C.T. Studd

“Some wish to live within the sound of church and chapel bell. I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of hell!”
― C.T. Studd

“The “romance” of a missionary is often made up of monotony and drudgery; there often is no glamour in it; it doesn’t stir a man’s spirit or blood. So don’t come out to be a missionary as an experiment; it is useless and dangerous. Only come if you feel you would rather die than not come. Don’t come if you want to make a great name or want to live long. Come if you feel there is no greater honor, after living for Christ, than to die for Him.”
― C.T. Studd

“True religion is like the smallpox. If you get it, you give it to others and it spreads.”
― C.T. Studd

“God’s real people have always been called fanatics.”
― Studd, C. T. (Charles Thomas), The Chocolate Soldier Or, Heroism-The Lost Chord of Christianity

“WE ARE FRITTERING AWAY TIME AND MONEY IN A MULTIPLICITY OF CONVENTIONS, conferences, and retreats, when the real need is to go straight and full steam into battle, with the signal for “close action” flying.”
― Studd, C. T. (Charles Thomas),

Posted in Statements from Men and Women of RenownUncategorized

Plow Deep In Me, Great Lord

Posted on July 12, 2019 by Eliece Rybak

“That I May Know Him….”

“Plow deep in me, Great Lord,    

  Heavenly Husbandman…

     That my being may be a tilled field,     

the roots of grace spreading far and wide,     

until Thou alone are seen in me,    

  thy beauty golden like summer harvest,     

thy fruitfulness as autumn plenty.

I have no Master but Thee,

No law but Thy will,

No delight but Thyself,

No wealth but that Thou givest,

No good but that Thou blessest,

No peace but that Thou bestowest.

I am nothing but that Thou makest me,

I have nothing but that I receive from Thee

I can do nothing but that grace adorns me.

Quarry me deep, Dear Lord,

and then fill me to overflowing

with Your Living Water.


Phil. 3:10a “That I may know Him…”. 

Acts 20:24b   …”that I might finish my course with joy,

and the ministry

which I have received of the Lord Jesus,

to testify the Gospel of the grace of God.” Posted in Daily Treasures for the Soul and SpiritEncouragement for the HeartRevival

The Character of our Great God.

Posted on July 3, 2014 by Eliece Rybak

The Promises of the Lord in scripture reflect His character:

“Praise God from whom all Blessings flow….”

Everlasting Love – Jere. 31:3

Everlasting joy – Isa.35:10; 51:11; 61:7

Everlasting salvation – Isa.45:17

Everlasting strength – Isa.26:4

Everlasting kindness – Isa.54:8

Life everlasting – Gal.6:8

In the shadow of His wings – Psalm 63:7

Everlasting arms under us – Deut.33:17

Our refuge and fortress – Psalm 91:2

Rock that is higher than I – Psalm 61:2

His presence – Psalm 23: 4

We are called by Him – Isa.54:5,6

He carries our sorrows, bears our grief – Isa.53:3,4

Poured out His soul for me – Isa.53:12

He is our Husband – Isa.54:5

He sustains us – Psalm 55:22

He heals the broken hearted – Psalm 147:3

Infinite understanding – Psalm 147:5

He is near to us – Psalm 34:18

He is with us – Isa. 43:2,5

He claims me; I am His – Isa. 43:1

I am precious in His sight – Isa. 43:4

Our soul and breath in His hand – Job 12:10

His soul delights in me – Isa. 42:1; Psalm 16:3

His stretched out hand to us – Isa. 9:12m

Our name is in the book of life – Phil. 4:3; Rev. 21:27

We are given a new name – Isa.62:2; Rev.2:17; 22:4

We are a crown to Him – Isa.62:3

Rejoices over us as our bridegroom – Isa. 62:5

Our soul is joyful in God – Isa. 61:10

He is our potter; we are the clay – Isa.64:8

He is full of compassion – Psalm 145:8; Lamentations 3:22

He gives power to the faint – Isa. 40:29

He has chosen us – Isa. 41:9

He changes NOT – Malachi 3:6

He upholds the righteous – Psalm 37:17

New song in my mouth – Psalm 40:3

He holds my right hand – Isa. 41:13; Isa. 42:6

He thinks about me; the thoughts are many – Psalm 139:17,18

He will give me a heart to know Him – Jere. 24:6,7

He made us heirs with Christ – Romans 8:17

He adopted us into His family with full privileges – Rom. 8:15

He comforts us – John 14:16,26

His Spirit bears witness (testifies) to us – Rom. 8:16

His Spirit cooperates (helps) in our weaknesses – Rom.8:26

He sealed us for all eternity – Ephes. 1:13,14

He guides us into all truth – John 16:13

Christ prayed that we would have His joy fulfilled in us – John 17:13

Christ prayed we would behold (perceive, discern) His glory – John 17:24

He is preparing a mansion and crowns for us – John 14:6; 1 Thes. 2:19

We will reign with Christ – Rev. 20:6

We can walk with Him in fellowship – I John 1:5-10

We can know His power in our life – Phil. 3:10

We have a righteousness of God by faith – Phil. 3:9

We are found in Him – Phil. 3:9

Christ is in us – Colos. 1:27

Our life is hidden with Christ in God, and we will appear with him –

Colos. 3:3,4

Posted in Daily Treasures for the Soul and SpiritEncouragement for the HeartRecent Postings


Posted on January 26, 2015 by Eliece Rybak

Does suffering ever make sense?

I have never really suffered….. I have never been imprisoned for my faith, or been submitted to physical torture.  I have never been called upon to watch my children tortured and put to death in my presence. My brothers and sisters in Christ in other countries of the world have suffered much.  Elizabeth Elliot says that if we think about suffering, there is only one “place” that suffering really makes sense.  It is at the foot of the cross….!  Suffering there had a purpose; it had meaning.  Jesus suffered there for the purpose of providing salvation for every person who ever lived.  Every sinful soul can be redeemed from the penalty of their sin.  Jesus suffered for us, dying in our place….and paid for our sin.

When I think I have suffered because of the loss of a loved one, loss of meaning in life, loss of security, or what ever it is that I think is causing my suffering…if I take that to the foot of the cross of Jesus Christ, lay it there, and look up….I only see suffering like no other.  My “suffering” pales in comparison to the depth and magnitude of the suffering that He knew there in my place for me.  It puts my suffering in perspective.  It shows me that He understands, He knows, and He feels all that I am feeling, and more.

Christ’s suffering had a purpose.  Can I trust the same God to make sense out of my suffering? I do not have to understand what He is doing to trust Him. I only have to understand Calvary.

My prayer is this:

Lord, may I continually, consciously…. take all sorrow and grief to the foot of the cross…which is the only place where suffering makes sense.  At that moment, each memory, thought, feeling, hurt… offered up to Christ there, becomes an opportunity to be a recipient of Your grace…all sufficient…and You become enough….You are enough (“El-Shaddia”…the all sufficient One).  By Your grace….You are enough.

Posted in Daily Treasures for the Soul and SpiritRecent Postings

Susannah Wesley’s Defination of Sin

Posted on March 2, 2014 by Eliece Rybak

Each of us may have our own definition of sin, but this one from Susannah Wesley to her preacher son is …really amazing.
….whatever weakens your reasoning,
….what ever impairs your tenderness of conscience,

….whatever obscures your sense of the things of God,
….whatever takes away your desire for spiritual things,
In short  ….whatever increases the power and authority of the flesh over the Spirit,

Then, this thing is sin, no matter how innocent it may be in itself.

Posted in Encouragement from Other LadiesMothers of Young ChildrenUncategorized

Your Children

Posted on March 2, 2014 by Eliece Rybak

“Your children are the greatest gift God will give to you, and their souls the heaviest responsibility He will place in your hands. Take time with them, teach them to have faith in God. Be a person in whom they can have faith. When you are old, nothing else you’ve done will have mattered as much.”
— Lisa Wingate

Daily Treasures for the Soul and Spirit

Posted on April 2, 2012 by Eliece Rybak

This treasure is for mothers of young children.
What an wonderful privilege you have to influence a life for God.
What kind of children do you like? That is a good question….do you like
obedient children? polite children? respectful children? Do you like to be around
children that are courteous to others, especially adults? Do you like children that
are kind and sharing with your children?
I suggest you make a “Character Manuel” for your children.
This can be as simple as a notebook with these goals in it…polite to others,
courteous, kind etc. It can then have verses from the word of God that will help
you realize that these goals are Biblical. When the principles are Biblical,
you are on praying ground for the power of God to be with you in your efforts
to bring your children up “in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” (Ephes.6:4)

Then teach these verses to your children.  Maybe take one character trait per week

and work on that trait for the whole week.  Children are delightful when they are disciplined.  Unruly and undisciplined children are not a delight to be around, for you the parent or for other adults and children.

Mothers of Young Children

Posted on December 25, 2012 by Eliece Rybak

This is one of the most awesome privileges,

but probably the greatest responsibility that

the Lord will entrust to us as Mothers.

These are eternal souls that have been entrusted to us.

We must:

“Train up a child in the way he should go…”


“Provoke not your children to wrath, lest they be discouraged.”

The task is not an easy one.  Often when we have little ones, we have more than one little one.

We may be a working Mother, and are balancing many other tasks, responsibilities, and

facets of our lives that require a great deal of time and energy.

Many times our energy runs out before we reach the end of our day,

and we still have these precious impressionable souls to mentor

in the “nurture and admonition of the Lord”.

If you are in this stage of your journey in life,

there is One who can help you with the strength and courage you need for this privilege.

Please do not try to accomplish all of this in your own strength.

You are setting yourself up for discouragement and defeat.

The Lord, the Creator of these little “empty slates”,

is not only the One who gave them to you, but is also the One who wants to give you

the wisdom and the knowledge to accomplish this task successfully and well.

Jeremiah 33:3 says,  “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee

great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.”

Psalm 55:22 says, “Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee.”

I Peter 5:7 says,  “Casting all your care upon Him, for He careth for you.”

The Lord does not take his “care” for you lightly.  He loves you and wants,

more than you do, for you succeed in this task He has entrusted to you.

He asks you to come to Him, trust Him with your burdens, your cares,

whatever they are, and He wants to work on your behalf.

An important question here is …….

Are you coming to Him as His child or as one who does not really have

a personal relationship with Him?  Do you know Him personally?

He is a personal God.  He loved you so much that He took on flesh

in the person of Jesus Christ,

and lived a perfect sinless life here on Earth.  While He was here,

the Bible says that He

suffered in all the ways we suffer (Hebr. 4:15).  He then went to the cross

and died for our sins, in our place, suffering the wrath of God for us.

He rose again proving that He was the Almighty God who could conquer death.

He is now seated at the right hand of the Father, taking our requests

to the Father personally for us.

He asks you to believe this, take Him as the total payment for your sin,

and become His child.

John 1:12 says, ” But as many as receive Him, to them gave He power

to become the children of God,

to them that believe on His name.”

The Lord would like to answer your requests as His child, in the same manner that

you would answer the request of your own child, before you would

answer the requests of a child that you did not know.

If you do not know the Lord as His child, and do not have

a personal relationship with Him,

please go to…..   “Where will I spend Eternity?”

Treasures from the Word of God

This treasure is for mothers and fathers of young children.
What a wonderful privilege you have to influence a life for God.
What kind of children do you like?   That is a good question….do you like
obedient children? polite children? respectful children?  Do you like to be around
children that are courteous to others, especially adults?  Do you like children that
are kind and sharing with your children?
I suggest you make a “Character Manuel” for your children.
This can be as simple as a notebook with these goals in it…polite to others,
courteous, kind etc.  It can then have verses from the word of God that will help
you realize that these goals are Biblical.  When the principles are Biblical,
you are on praying ground for the power of God to be with you in your efforts
to bring your children up “in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” (Ephes.6:4)

 Or it could be as in-depth as having each child’s name on a given page,

and verses that child is working on to commit to memory.  This may also include

certain character traits that are  weaknesses to that particular child with some specific verses.

When my children were little,  I could be quoted as saying…. “The principle is…..”

and then there would be some explanation as to why this was going to be the standard

because the principle was found in scripture.

There was a Biblical explanation why they were going to behave in this certain way.

This next section will be devoted to some of the principles that we

as parents need to reflect on to accomplish Godly character

and good manners in our children.

Guidelines for Parents

#1.  Love each child unconditionally.

We are loved unconditionally by God.  He does not require that we

live up to a certain standard, to be a recipient of His love.

John 3:16 says: “God so loved…that he gave,” and in Romans 5:8 says:

God showed “His love toward us, in that,

while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”

Show unconditional love for your child.  Learn a way to portray to your child

that you love them, but it is their sin, misbehavior, etc. that is unacceptable.

#2.  Consider… Ephesians 5:21 – Ephesians 6:4

There are four essentials here:  Husbands love;  Wives submit;  Children obey;

and Parents provoke not.

#3.  Spend time playing and working with each child.

#4.  Give specific approval to each child.

#5.  Tell each child  “I Love You”,

 and hug him or her….or something similar.

#6.  Read the Bible, teach Bible principles, and pray as a Family.

#7.  Severely restrict TV, video games, and electronic devices

that seclude the child from family interaction.  This becomes their gods.

#8.  Be  “around” a significant amount of time.

#9.  Paddle each child in a Godly manner when he or she disobeys,

lies, is unkind, or lazy.  (Prov. 29:15,17)

#10.  Pray with your child,

 for your child and for your child’s teachers.

#11.  Have a good relationship and spend time alone with your spouse.

Husbands….keep dating your children’s mother.

Wives…carry out Ephesians 5:33…”see that she reverence her husband”.

Learn what that word “reverence” means, and do it.

Some Good Character Traits For Children to Learn

(and us parents if we have not learned them).

#1.  “Be ye Kind” – Ephes. 4:32

God calls this “kind” and “tenderhearted”.

This is against our “old nature”.  Self is always exalted sinfully.

Make sure your children are tender toward other children’s feelings.

This would eliminate all the “bullying” that is so prevalent in our society today.

Do not let you children be insensitive to their siblings feelings.

Do not let them “make fun” of other children.

If that other child is not having fun, it is sin.

#2.  Speak kindly …” always with grace” Col. 4:6.

Speak to edify…. building others up, not tearing down

“…that which is good to the use of edifying,

that it may minister grace to the hearers” (Ephes.  4:29).

Mothers, let me encourage you to be very careful of the tone of

your voice when you are speaking to your children.

Even the tone of your voice can convey acceptance of them,

while you are at the same time addressing their disobedience.

Convey the love of Christ for them at all times because He loves

us at all times…..unconditionally.

#3.  Forgive others.

Ephes. 4:32…”forgiving one another, even as God, for Christ’s sake

hath forgiven you.”

(We adults need to learn this with our children, if we have not already learned it.)

We do not have the right NOT to forgive . 

 God does not hold a grudge against us; He freely forgives as we ask.

Are we more righteous than God, that we cannot forgive someone when It is the right thing to do or we are asked to do so?

He loved and forgave us “while we were yet sinners” (Rom. 5:8) 

#4.  Speak Truth.

The book of proverbs is wonderful for verses on truth.

God hates lying lips…Prov. 6:17,19;  12:22;

(If our President and those who are leading our country

had learned this when they were little, we would be far better off.)

#5.  “No corrupt communication” (Ephes. 4:29)

This means sinful dirty talk, as well as” foolish talking,

nor jesting, which are not fitting; but the giving of thanks.” Ephes.5:4.

This verse gives us a substitute for this bad and empty talk.

It is the giving of thanks to the God we are accountable to.

We need to get a concept of the holiness of God,

and teach that to our children.

Posted in MothersMothers of Young ChildrenUncategorized


Posted on December 8, 2014 by Eliece Rybak

Someone said…“The space between ‘thought’ and ‘deed’ is opportunity.”

Reverencing your  husband means you seek to honor him.

Honor means to “treat as precious”…. to “appreciate the love that he is showing toward you  by accepting your husband where he is. Your goal is not to change him. Make it your goal to show him that you honor him.”

Find out what is special to him…..

…maybe just paying attention to him and spending time with him,

…maybe taking his hand when you are together,

…maybe “catching his eye” and showing him significance in public.

Would we dare to pray that the Lord would give us the “thoughts” and “deeds” that He would have us to think and do toward our husbands?

The perspective that is appropriate here is that we would not hesitate to devote ourselves to all of this for our “Husband”, the Lord Jesus Christ?  Then is it not truly what we are to fulfill toward our spouse?

Remember…. as we honor (treat as precious) the one that God has given to us to be one with, the Lord will bless it, and bring good, for His glory

Posted in MarriageWives