Five Ways Afflictions Help

Posted on February 6, 2017 by Eliece Rybak

“Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I keep your word.” (Psalm 119:67)

This verse reveals to us that God sends affliction to help us learn His Word. How does that work? How does affliction help us learn and obey the Word of God?

There are innumerable answers to these questions, as there are innumerable experiences of this great mercy. But here are five:

  1. Affliction takes away the glibness of life and makes us more serious, so that our mindset is more in tune with the seriousness of God’s word. There is not a single glib page in the book of God.
  2. Affliction knocks worldly props out from under us and forces us to rely more on God, which brings us more in tune with the aim of the Word.  For the aim of the Word is that we hope in God and trust him. “For whatever things were aforetime (written in former days) were written for our learning (instruction), that we, through patience and comfort (endurance and through the encouragement) of the Scriptures, might have hope” (Romans 15:4). “But these [things] are written so that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through His Name” (John 20:31).
  3. Affliction makes us search the Scriptures with greater desperation for help, rather than treating it as a marginal part to life. “And ye shall seek me and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13).
  4. Affliction brings us into the partnership of Christ’s sufferings, so that we fellowship more closely with him and see the world more readily through His eyes. Paul’s great heart longing was “that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship (may share) of His sufferings, being made conformable (becoming more like Him) in his death” (Philippians 3:10).
  5. Affliction mortifies deceitful and distracting fleshly desires. This brings us into a more spiritual frame and makes us receptive to the spiritual Word of God. “Forasmuch, then, as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind (with the same way of thinking), for He that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin” (1 Peter 4:1). Suffering has a great sin-killing effect. And the more pure we are, the more clearly we see God (Matthew 5:8). {modified}

May the Holy Spirit give us grace to not begrudge the teaching of God through pain, affliction and suffering. 

His grace is sufficient. (11 Corinthians 12:9) 

He is faithful…always. (1 Thess. 5:24; 11 Thes. 3:3;  Phil. 1:6) 

He says in Jeremiah 31:13b, 14, and 25 that He will saturate the soul of the weary and sorrowful with His Goodness. 

Truly, having the Awesome Lord that we serve saturate our soul …literally with Himself in His Goodness…is an amazing experience.  That means for us who have suffered in life’s trials…maybe through no fault of our own, but just as life brings them to us, we can know in our soul the everlasting, awesome Goodness of God. 

(This is assuming that we know Him as personal Savior, and accepted Him as the payment for our sins on the cross.  If you need to understand that Bible truth, go to the home page, and click on “Where will I spend Eternity?” God not only wants to be your Father and Savior, but He will walk with you through your afflictions. May He Bless you.)

Posted in Daily Treasures for the Soul and SpiritEncouragement for the HeartHeart to heart for WidowsHis Presence….Recent PostingsWidows

The Gospel Explained

Posted on May 6, 2017 by Eliece Rybak

A Summary of the Gospel

“Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God.” (1 Peter 3:18)

Here’s a summary of the gospel to help you understand it and claim it for your own.

1) God created us for his glory.

“Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the end of the earth, everyone who is called by My Name, whom I created for My glory” (Isaiah 43:6–7). God made all of us in his own image so that we would ‘image forth’, or reflect, his character and moral beauty.

2) Every human should live for God’s glory.

“Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). The way to live for the glory of God is to love Him (Matthew 22:37), trust Him (Romans 4:20), be thankful to Him (Psalm 50:23), and obey Him (Matthew 5:16). When we do these things, we ‘image forth’ God’s glory.

3) We have all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory.

“All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). “Although they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks to him . . . and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images” (Romans 1:21, 23). None of us has loved or trusted or thanked or obeyed God as we ought.

4) We all deserve eternal punishment.

“The wages of sin (the payment for our sin)  is (eternal) death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23). Those who do not trust the Lord Jesus Christ will suffer the ‘punishment of eternal destruction’, away from ‘the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power’ (2 Thessalonians 1:9). “These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into life eternal.” (Matthew 25:46).

5) In his great mercy, God sent forth his only Son Jesus Christ to provide for sinners the payment for our sin, in our place when Jesus died on the cross.

“God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law being made (by becoming) a curse for us” (Galatians 3:13). “For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust (the righteous for the unrighteous), that He might bring us to God” (1 Peter 3:18).

6) Eternal life is a free gift to all who will by faith put their trust in Christ as Savior.

“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31). “If thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus (that Jesus is Lord) and believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him (Christ) from the dead, thou shalt be saved” (Romans 10:9). “For by grace are ye saved (you have been saved) through faith; And that of yourselves (not your own doing), it is the gift of God, not of works (not as result of works, lest any man should boast (so that no one may boast)” (Ephesians 2:8–9).

7) Once we accept Christ as our own personal Savior, He will holds onto us.

John 10: 28 “I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.”  And… I Peter 1:5 says that we have an inheritance “reserved in heaven for you who are kept by the power of God…”

8) As we choose to walk with Him in our daily lives

We live our lives out in Christ out of love and gratitude to Him for who He is; He becomes Lord of our life, and we have a personal walk with the living God. This walk is literally allowing the indwelling Christ (who has now taken up permanent residence in us) to live out His life in us and through us ….by faith. Now as ‘Christ-ones’…Christians….we are reflecting Christ to the world around us.

Galatians 2:20 says… “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.”

The same faith that saved us, is the faith for the Christian walk with Him:

Colossians 2:6 and 7 says… “As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord (by faith), so walk ye in him: Rooted and built up in him, and established in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.”

May this be a blessing to you.

If yo do not know the Savior… if you do not know that your sins are forgiven, and you have NOW eternal life, please trust the Savior.

Please feel free to message the author with any questions.

You may also go to “Where will I spend Eternity” on this site.

Posted in Encouragement for the HeartRecent Postings

Born-again Believers Security

Posted on August 4, 2018 by Eliece Rybak

As Secure as God Is Faithful

Moreover, whom he did predestinate, them he also called, and whom he called, them he also justified, and whom he justified, them he also glorified.”  (Romans 8:30)

Between eternity past in God’s predestination, and eternity future in God’s glorification, none is lost.

No one who is predestined in the foreknowledge of God for sonship fails to be called. And no one who is called fails to be justified. And no one who is justified fails to be glorified. This is an unbreakable steel chain of His divine covenant faithfulness. He is always faithful to His Word. He cannot lie or fail to carry out His promises.

And so Paul says,

“Being confident of this very thing, that He who hath began a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 1:6)

“…Our Lord Jesus Christ, who shall also confirm you unto the end, that ye may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” (1 Corinthians 1:8–9)

These are the promises of our God who cannot lie. Those who are born again believers in Jesus Christ are as secure as God is faithful.


Posted in Daily Treasures for the Soul and SpiritEncouragement for the Heart

Suffering….can it be our finest hour?

Posted on May 10, 2017 by Eliece Rybak

Suffering will come to all the saints.  Consider the verses in Philippians 3:8-10…

Philippians 3:8-10

“Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,
And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:
That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;”

Paul said that he would gladly suffer the loss of all things to win Christ.  This is in no way trying to earn acceptance with Christ.  Paul is saying that he would gladly give all he had, all the accomplishments, and all that he was as a Hebrew (Phil’ 3 verse 5) to be unencumbered in knowing Christ (Phil. 3 verse 10).  He makes it clear that he stands in the righteousness of Christ by faith (Phil. 3 verse 9).  But verse 10 is telling us that those of us who know Him (Christ), and the power of His resurrection, will suffer.   It says …”the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable to His death”.  We will be identified with Him in His sufferings. The suffering and death of Jesus Christ, He was completely surrendered to His Father at all times.  He was doing the Father’s will, and did that with no thought to His own will, or the pain He would go through. In this …was His strength, courage, peace…and JOY.  In Hebrews 12:1-2, it tells us…”looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the JOY that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”   I Peter 5:10 says…”But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto His eternal glory by Jesus Christ, after ye have suffered a while, make you perfect (mature), establish (stabilizing grace), strengthen (strengthening grace), and settle you (settling grace, peaceful grace).”  Because He is the God of all grace….His grace is sufficient (II Corinthians  12:9)…so He is sufficient.  It is He who fills. The scriptures say…. “He satiates the soul”….of the weary and suffering soul with His Goodness (Jere.31:13b,14,25).

For those of you who are suffering, may He satiate your soul with His Goodness…He is always Good.  He cannot be anything apart from Good.  (The sovereignty of God does not always “feel” good, but He is always Good.)  Believe in Him; Trust in Him; Rest in Him.

Here are some thoughts:

  • Suffering will come as we seek to identify with Christ.
  • Amy Carmichael said…referring to suffering and not knowing the answer as to why….”We are trusted by God with the unexplained.”  Amy suffered much the last 20 years of her life.
  • Seek the Lord now spiritually, so as to be able to have an attitude of gratitude when the time comes to suffer for Him.  It will take time and discipline now…. to develop a life of praise and thanksgiving to Him in all things.
  • When suffering comes, we will have to dig deeper….for deeper joy in Him.  Remember…gold doesn’t lay on top of the ground; diamonds form from extreme pressure; a pearl starts as a grain of sand irritating…!!!!
  • The Lord’s perspective is different from ours.  He will not withhold from His child anything that will bring that child into greater sweet fellowship with Himself…even if it causes pain at times in the life of the child He loves deeply.
  • As we suffer, the pain we experience here becomes part of the process of “letting loose” of the things of this life…”the things of earth become strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.” (from the hymn… “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus”)
  • As we respond to others stories of grief, suffering, pain, or loss, be careful to be sensitive to their need at that time.  Let them talk, listen carefully…but do not make it “your story” by telling about your time of suffering.  Remember “it is not about you…”  It is their time to grieve, weep, and need support.  They need a friend to listen and support them.
  • The “ministry of presence”: this is the ministry we have with the grieving/suffering… just to be there, and it is OK that we don’t have the answer. And most of the time we don’t have the answer, only the Lord does. JUST BE PRESENT…that is all they need.
  • Just think ….this season of suffering may be your finest hour. What could be finer that becoming more like Christ Himself.

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 Category Archives: Daily Treasures for the Soul and Spirit

Hi …
The entries here are for you to have daily encouragement, to feed your soul and spirit with the Word of God.
May God the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit enrich your walk with Him as you seek Him through His Word.
May you have a mind and heart that rests and is anchored in the very character of the Awesome God we serve.

Bitterness: What do I do with it?

Posted on September 5, 2019 by Eliece Rybak

Have you ever been hurt , attacked, misused, offended, abused or falsely accused by another person?  Many of us have.  Maybe the other person has wronged us greatly, sometimes unknowingly, but many times knowingly and viciously.

What do we do?

We do not forget, do we?  It is always there.  We can train our minds not to think about it or dwell on it.  That is very much like suppressing it, pushing it down.  But does it go away?  No.  It keeps surfacing.  Why?  If we had truly forgiven that person, it would not keep surfacing and coming to mind with that “hurt” feeling.

That is bitterness. It has a deep root; and, just when we think we have it all under control and suppressed out of our mind, it ‘pops up’ its ugly head.  In the Hebrews 12, it talks about this root of bitterness: “Looking diligently…lest a root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and by it many be defiled.”  We have to watch for this and recognize it as bitterness against another person.  Bitterness that first defiles the one holding the bitterness, and then defiles many around that person.

How does it defile?  It makes us so we cannot forgive.  It does not allow us to forgive the offense, and let it go.  We get to thinking that we are justified in the feelings of hurt.  It keeps us in bondage.  Forgiveness never means that what the other person did or said  was right or acceptable.  But we have no right not to forgive.  We have been forgiven by God for all our sins and trespasses. Forgiveness means that we are willing to give up our right to hold the other person accountable, and we relinquish our right to revenge.  God says, “Vengeance is mine; I will repay.”  It is our work of faith to offer this offense up to the Lord, give it up, give it away.  It is no longer ours to own.  Then we have no right to revenge, and best of all, it cannot hurt us or keep us in bondage any longer.  The Lord takes it all.

This is surrender.  It is surrendering our will to Him, allowing Him to take care of it. Sometimes we like to feel the ‘victim complex’.  That make us feel justified that they wronged us.  Maybe they did, but forgiveness surrenders all of that.

Elisabeth Elliot said, “Anything offered up to God is a Gateway to Joy.”  Can the Lord take the “sacrifice of praise” offered up to Him, and turn it to good for us?  (Hebrews 13:15 says…”By Him (by Christ, by His forgiveness extended to us for our sin, by His grace), therefore, let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His name.”

Do I believe the sovereignty of God? Do all things work together for good?  Is it not true that the Lord allows these things in our lives to purify us, to draw us to Himself, and to make us more Christ-like?

Would I go so far to say that the Lord purposely had that person to offend us, so that we could learn what it means to forgive, to offer the offense to God? So He can deal with that person (if it was a purposefully vicious attack)?  Is his ultimate goal for us to be more like Christ?  God is never the author of evil, but sometimes He allows the evil of man’s heart to do what it is bent on doing, to bring us to Himself.

What did Christ do when He was treated unjustly?

He said “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”

People ask, “Where was God when this was happening?”

He was in the same place as He was when they were nailing His Son to the cross unjustly, for your sins, and for the sins of the whole world.

Remember the Lord knows and hears ALL.  Go to Him, and release all of it on Him.  Guard your heart against bitterness.  Bitterness blinds us.  It blinds our minds and our thinking.
Revenge holds us captive to internal torture, and keeps us in bondage.
It will affect how we think, how we act, what we do and say, and it will affect our health.
Literally, it will destroy us.

Surrender to the Lord all bitterness. The sovereign God knows all things, and He will deal with that person. Forgiveness releases us from bondage.  If we do not forgive, that person has a vicious hold over us, and we are in bondage. Bitterness keeps us in bondage to the person who has already hurt us.

Many times that person does not even know that we have bitterness toward them, or maybe subconsciously we want revenge (want them to hurt like we hurt), when in reality, it is only hurting us.  If we do not release the bitterness to the Lord, we are saying that we want to deal with that person, and the Lord cannot/will not deal with them “the way they need to be dealt with”.  This is a lack of faith, and in reality rebellion. We must offer that hurt up to the Lord, and He can repay to that person their due better than we ever could.  He will chose His time and place to deal with them.  Our path is to surrender to Him, and be free from bondage.

Remember also…no man lives to himself.  Our bitterness will affect others around us.  Moms …our children will be affected.  It will cloud their minds and hearts to the sweetness and grace of God in their lives.  Sometimes they will take on our bitterness, but if not it will cause anxiety and emotional distress for them.  This is evident in divorce situations that are “nasty”.

Can we ever think that our suffering is for our good and for His glory?  II Corinthians 4:17, says “For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory”.

What is this “far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory”?  Becoming more Christ-like in our responses to the “light afflictions” in our life.  It is reflection the glory of the Lord to a greater degree through our suffering.  This is worth any hurt that He allows/brings into our life.  He is our “vision”.

The hymn says,

“Be Thou my Vision O Lord of my heart;

Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art;

Thou my best thought, by day or by night,

Waking or sleeping, Thy Presence my light.”

Then later lines say…

“Thou and Thou only, first in my heart;

High King of heaven, my treasure Thou art.

Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,

Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all.”

We sing this hymn, but do we truly mean “whatever befall”?  “Whatever befall” until someone says something that hurts my feelings?  This is not the response of a mature Christian.  Sometimes pride is the underlying sin….. ‘I think I have a right not to be treated that way’.  Christ had a right not to be crucified because He was righteous, but He surrendered it to the Father…”Nevertheless, not My will but Thine”.

Hebrews 12:2 says…. “Looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith, Who for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”  We can endure anything if we keep our eyes on “the Joy that is set before us”.  Endure does not mean grudgingly, or “white knuckling” it. Endure is recognizing that He is with us, always present, carrying the “easy yoke” (Matt. 11:28-29), and walking in the fiery furnace and lions den with us always.  Endure has our gaze on the face of our Savior. Endure with faith in his sovereignty, that He has His perfect will working in us, to work His will and reflect His glory.

Elisabeth Elliot put it this way… (referring to Jan 8th 1956):

“When I sat by my short wave radio and learned that my husband was missing, the Lord brought to mind what the prophet Isaiah said …

‘when thou passest through the waters I will be with thee’ “.  This thrust me, forced me, hurried me to God, my only Refuge.”

“Suffering is the irreplaceable medium

through which I learned the indispensable truth that

He is LORD.”  (E. Elliot)

Elisabeth Elliot says…”Think of your pain, trial, troubles as a challis, to be held up and offered up to the Lord, even in the midst of your suffering…stop what you are doing and offer it up as an act of worship……..anything offered up to God  becomes a gateway to joy.”

The results of all this will be:

(1) When you think of the person that hurt you, you will pity them and pray for them (Matt. 5:44), because you have truly forgiven them.  Hopefully you will come to love them.

(2) You will become numb to the “hurt” of the offense, because the bondage is gone.  You released it to the Lord. (Hebr. 13:15)

(3) You can begin to ask the Lord to bring “blessing” into that person’s life (I Peter 3:9b) every time it comes to mind.

(4) Ultimately, you will thank the Lord for the person, the hurt, and the result of that offense, bringing you closer to the Lord in your walk with Him, and the more Christ-like you have become.  You now reflect Him and His glory more than you ever could have without what the LORD brought into your life.  (II Cor. 3:18)

Congratulations, the Lord has just prepared you for your next trial and your next step of faith.  Praise Him.

Posted in Daily Treasures for the Soul and SpiritEncouragement for the HeartRecent PostingsStatements from Men and Women of RenownSuffering / Grief

Plow Deep In Me, Great Lord

Posted on July 12, 2019 by Eliece Rybak

“That I May Know Him….”

“Plow deep in me, Great Lord,    

  Heavenly Husbandman…

     That my being may be a tilled field,     

the roots of grace spreading far and wide,     

until Thou alone are seen in me,    

  thy beauty golden like summer harvest,     

thy fruitfulness as autumn plenty.

I have no Master but Thee,

No law but Thy will,

No delight but Thyself,

No wealth but that Thou givest,

No good but that Thou blessest,

No peace but that Thou bestowest.

I am nothing but that Thou makest me,

I have nothing but that I receive from Thee

I can do nothing but that grace adorns me.

Quarry me deep, Dear Lord,

and then fill me to overflowing

with Your Living Water.


Phil. 3:10a “That I may know Him…”. 

Acts 20:24b   …”that I might finish my course with joy,

and the ministry

which I have received of the Lord Jesus,

to testify the Gospel of the grace of God.”

Posted in Daily Treasures for the Soul and SpiritEncouragement for the HeartRevival

Psalm 23 : Our Jehovah

Posted on July 12, 2019 by Eliece Rybak

Psalm 23

Seven of the times the name Jehovah is combined with another word

in scripture, they are either used directly or exemplified in the

23rd Psalm to further display Who Jehovah is.

(Psalm 23:1-6)

“The Lord is my shepherd;

I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; He leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul. He leadeth me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies;

Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Surely Goodness and Mercy shall follow me all the days of my life;

and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

Jehovah (Exod. 6:3 “Yahovah”) means: the self-existent One; the Eternal One.

Meditate on that fact for a moment:

This Jehovah, not only has always existed and will always exist in the future, but He is dependent on nothing else (no one else) for His existence.

He has always been self-sustaining, and always will.

He does not need anything…air, food, the right environment …nothing.

He does not need us.

We, on the other hand, need Him. Job 12:10 reminds us,

“in Whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind.”

1. “Jehovah-Rohi – The LORD our Shepherd

2. Jehovah-Jireh (Gen. 22:14) The LORD provides;

 “I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; He leadeth me beside the still waters.” Trusting /resting in the Jehovah that provides for us, for our soul and spirit means that “I want nothing else. He is all I need and provides all I want”, as a shepherd does for his sheep. We have the Good shepherd who knows all that we need in our soul and spirit, as well as physically. The still waters signify peace/rest.  A sheep will not drink out of rushing waters. It always looks for a calm pool from which to drink. The shepherd provides that. Do you have the calm, quiet “pools” in your life provided by the Good Shepherd?

This also signifies a satisfaction, a satisfied soul. Are you always longing for something that you do not have? Is there some kind of “unrest” or “a searching for something that you cannot find or grasp” in your life? If we come to the Good Shepherd, yielded to Him completely, we shall not want. It is He who satisfies our soul. Not just in what He gives, but it is He who fulfills.

He says that He “will satiate (fill to the full) the soul…, and my people shall be satisfied with my Goodness. For I have satiated (filled full) the weary soul, and I have replenished every sorrowful soul.” (Jeremiah 31:13, 25) Are we only looking for the physical to be satisfied? This Shepherd is the Shepherd of our soul. Don’t be satisfied to only have your physical needs met. Go to the Shepherd for the satisfying of the soul. We are complete in Him.(Colossians 2:10a) Look no farther. He is the “completer of your soul” emotionally and spiritually, as well as physically.

3. Jehovah-Rapha (Exod. 15:26) The LORD who healeth.

 “He restoreth my soul. He leadeth me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.” Jehovah is the healer. He is the One who restores our soul. Restores our soul to what? He restores our soul to Himself. He restores it from the ravages of sin through the redemption on the cross. But He restores it for Himself through sanctification (a present setting apart to holiness, and a future sanctification/perfection in Heaven). The Lord is the healer. He does not always promise to heal us physically in this life. At times He chooses to do that, but only promises total physical healing in Heaven. In the path of righteousness here in this life, we are restored to Him so that we can reflect the righteousness of Christ in our life now. For His name sake we bring glory to God.

4. Jehovah-Shalom (Judges 6:24) The LORD our peace.

 “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies;” We are walking in a world that is the domain of Satan. He is the prince of the power of the air. Death and evil are all about us. But our Jehovah God is our peace, because He is present with us; His perfect love casts out fear. He is our comfort. He literally prepares for us what we need in the presence of all that could hurt us and the evil that is around us. Peace in the midst of the enemies of our soul.

 5. Jehovah-Tsidkenu (Jere.23:6) The LORD our righteousness.

 “Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.” The picture of anointing in scripture is a picture of God’s acceptance and blessing. It is a picture of the Lord setting apart someone to Himself. This picture is of Jehovah the self-existent God blessing us so much that we are satisfied to overflowing with His abundant blessings (John 10:10b).  He gives us His righteousness (11Cor. 5:21), which is all we need, totally sufficient for eternal life in Heaven, but also the fullness of His righteousness is extended to us now.

 6. El-Shammah (Ezek.48:35) The LORD is present;

“Surely Goodness and Mercy shall follow me all the days of my life;”

Ever-present, the LORD is there; the Presence of the LORD is always there, an abiding presence with His own. His Goodness is beyond measure and His mercies are new every morning (Lam. 3:23-25) to His own. David knew the abiding presence of the Jehovah God. We too can know and sense through the inner witness of the Holy Spirit the Lord’s abiding presence in our lives. He never takes His eyes off us. (Job 36:7)

7. Jehovah-Nissi (Exod. 17:8-15) The LORD my banner;

 “and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

The Lord my banner: literally our standard, where we stand; “an altar in the wilderness”….an altar showing ownership and protection. David knew he would one day be with the One who had set His banner over him. The self-existing Jehovah was his, and he was the Lord’s. The promise of eternal life through the Savior to come was extended to Old Testament believers, and many expressed their knowledge of that fact.

Posted in Daily Treasures for the Soul and SpiritEncouragement for the HeartHis Presence….

Born-again Believers Security

Posted on August 4, 2018 by Eliece Rybak

As Secure as God Is Faithful

Moreover, whom he did predestinate, them he also called, and whom he called, them he also justified, and whom he justified, them he also glorified. (Romans 8:30)

Between eternity past in God’s predestination, and eternity future in God’s glorification, none is lost.

No one who is predestined in the foreknowledge of God for sonship fails to be called. And no one who is called fails to be justified. And no one who is justified fails to be glorified. This is an unbreakable steel chain of divine covenant faithfulness.

And so Paul says,

Being confident of this very thing, that He who hath began a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. (Philippians 1:6)

“…Our Lord Jesus Christ, who shall also confirm you unto the end, that ye may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. (1 Corinthians 1:8–9)

These are the promises of our God who cannot lie. Those who are born again believers in Jesus Christ are as secure as God is faithful.


Posted in Daily Treasures for the Soul and SpiritEncouragement for the Heart

John Hyde (“Praying Hyde”)

Posted on December 14, 2017 by Eliece Rybak

John Hyde was a missionary to India from 1892 to 1911.

Thousands of souls were won to Christ in that time.

His friends that knew him well

knew that his one great characteristic was holiness.

Prayer was his life work, and he was a great soul winner, but his soul-winning was due to his Christ-like character.  Scripture says, “Without holiness not man shall see the Lord.”  We may scripturally say without holiness no man shall be a great soul winner.  Mr. Hyde himself said in substance, “Self must not only be dead but buried out of sight, for the stench  of the unburied self-life will frighten souls away from Jesus”.  He lived the sanctified life.

His life’s desires were:

  • a closer walk with the Lord through prayer
  • live a life of holiness
  • reach the lost at any cost

Hyde discovered the power of intercessory prayer, and the results were staggering.  He proved that prayer was an evangelical force in India: by faith he claimed one soul a day, then two, then four.  Through his intercessory prayer, God was able to work in remarkable ways in conventions, churches, and personal lives.  It is no surprise that he was often called “The Apostle of Prayer”.

Posted in Daily Treasures for the Soul and SpiritStatements from Men and Women of Renown

Some Thoughts on Grieving….

Posted on December 10, 2017 by Eliece Rybak

Sometimes grieving, for whatever it is in our lives, can come to the point that the grieving itself has become a sin.  You say….”That is a strange assessment.”  

If we know the Lord as our Savior, and He is the All-Powerful One, the All-Knowing One in Whom we are complete (Colos. 2:10), and if He is sufficient (II Cor. 12:9) to meet all our needs, then is years of grieving with a self focus not a sin?  If our focus is on ourselves, we have not paid attention to the living, we have missed opportunities for the Lord to use us in the lives of others, then this is called “bad grief”.  I am not saying that grieving can “be accomplished” in a few weeks, or even a few months.  (Remember, grieving over a lost spouse, child, or tragedy is not like getting over a bad cold; it doesn’t just go away.)  Some losses/tragedies are deep and life changing so that it takes a great deal of time to even adjust our lives.  The real truth is that our lives are never really the same, ever again.  But there needs to be beginnings in finding a new “normal”.  Prolonged grief reflects a lack of faith and trust in the sovereignty of our Good God.  He has a plan.  Sometimes this side of Heaven we will never understand that plan, but that does not make Him any less a Good God.  If we could always understand His will and His way, He would not be God; and, would not be a God worthy of our faith and praise.  He says in Isaiah 55:6-9, that His ways and thoughts are higher than ours. Thank you Lord, because He see all things and knows all that is going to happen in the future , and He knows us.

So the next step is to get our focus off ourselves and onto Him, who is the Sustainer of His children.  I am His and He loves me more that I can ever imagine.  He gave His Son’s life for me, while I was yet in my sin.  Christ died the death payment for my sin, offering me salvation, while I was yet not even knowing or caring that He loved me.  Can I trust One like that?  If I give Him my “gaze”, and my heart…as broken and suffering as it is… I can trust Him with it.

If we confess to Him our sin of lack of faith and trust in Him, and offer our broken selves to Him, He can begin to make some sense out of our life.  As we ask Him to show us His plan for our life, and give ourselves to Him for His keeping, it is the delight of His heart to care for and comfort His child.

Someone wrote this reflecting on Isaiah 61:1-3….we would then “accept the forgiveness by the blood (of Christ),…and ask for the spirit of praise, as for any other gift of God.  So then He would exchange my ashes for Christ’s garland, my mourning for Christ’s oil of joy, my spirit of heaviness for Christ’s garment of praise”.

That is a wonderful passage.  The doing of it is by the grace of God only, as with all that the believer does.  We get to thinking when we are grieving that we need to pull ourselves out of this pit of despondency.  But as with every other “care” in our life, the Lord wants to gently and carefully guide us in this, and then out of this to the other side as He walks with us.  Remember He weeps with us as He did with Lazarus’s sisters at the death of their brother (John 11:1-44).

Praise can come for His Goodness (Jere. 33:13-14) even when all else is not making sense.  Praise that the Lord allowed us the privilege of having this loved one for so long a time; praise for the good of sharing a life with them; praise for the way our life was blessed through that person.  Seek to praise for the good things.  Then as He gives grace, accept his “garland” for the ashes.  That may mean that we allow Him to take a life that looks like it is ashes, plans that are in ashes, dreams that will never be (ashes), and commit them to His plan and will, for Him to give us a new life in Him.

Christ has an oil…a healing balm, that can begin to give joy where there was only grieving.  He will be the Master Healer in our lives, if we let Him.  As we accept His grace for all this, He will lift the heaviness in our lives.  His grace is sufficient (II Cor. 12:9) for the healing process, if we yield all of this to Him.

Sometimes those who are grieving think that if they “just stop grieving”, and go on with life, it means that they have forgotten the loved one, or did not really love them anymore.  We do not want to forget them and we do not want others to forget them. It can feel like a betrayal to this loved one.  This can be very profound in the life of the survivor.  Yes, we do not want to forget them, but it does not honor them to go on not living a productive life.  The lost loved one would want us to be comforted (Matt. 5:4), and so we must honor them by finding our Way, coping in the grace and healing of Christ.  Surrender the ashes, the mourning, and the heaviness to the One who can heal, and let us be comforted.  Christ must fill that void.  Anything else that we try to “use” to fill that void will never satisfy.

That loved one will always hold a special place in our hearts, because no one could ever fill that place.  But it is OK to go on.  At some point we must choose life, and go on.  If we could allow Christ to take that special place in our hearts and fill it with peace from Himself, we can go on.  Peace with a past loss, tragedy or care, surrendered to Christ to make of it some sense, is the only way to go on to a life used by Him. He weeps with us, and walks with us….as we Choose Him.

Remember….’Suffering only makes sense at the foot of the cross’.

May He be gracious to all of us who suffer loss, and show His presence real to us. May He give to us the balm of healing in our lives (which is really Himself), that we may glorify Him.

God Bless you in your journey to a surrendered life to Him.

Posted in Daily Treasures for the Soul and SpiritHeart to heart for WidowsSuffering / GriefWidows

A Prayer Written by Elisabeth Elliot:

Posted on May 10, 2017 by Eliece Rybak

“Lord, I offer up today…

all that I am, all that I have,

all that I do and all that I suffer,

for it to be yours today, and yours forever.

Give me grace Lord, to do all that I know of your Holy will,

purify my heart,

sanctify my thinking,

correct my desires.

Teach me in all of today’s work … trouble ….and Joy,

to respond with honest praise,

simple trust and

instant obedience.

That my life may be in truth a living sacrifice

…by the power of your Holy Spirit,

and in the Name of your Son Jesus Christ,

my Master and my All.”            


(Elisabeth Elliot loved the dedication of Bette Stam, a martyred American missionary in China.  Bette was an inspiration to Elisabeth.)

Posted in Daily Treasures for the Soul and SpiritHis Presence….Mothers of Young ChildrenStatements from Men and Women of Renown

Suffering….can it be our finest hour?

Posted on May 10, 2017 by Eliece Rybak

Suffering will come to all the saints.  Consider the verses in Philippians 3:8-10…

Paul said that he would gladly suffer the loss of all things to win Christ.  This is in no way trying to earn acceptance with Christ.  Paul is saying that he would gladly give all he had, all the accomplishments, and all that he was as a Hebrew (verse 5) to be unencumbered to know Christ (verse 10).  He makes it clear that he stands in the righteousness of Christ by faith (verse 9).  But verse 10 is telling us that those of us who know Him (Christ), and the power of His resurrection, will suffer.   It says …”the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable to His death”.  We will be identified with Him in His sufferings. The suffering and death of Jesus Christ, He was completely surrendered to His Father at all times.  He was doing the Father’s will, and did that with no thought to His own will, or the pain He would go through. In this …was His strength, courage, peace…and JOY.  In Hebrews 12:1-2, it tells us…”looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the JOY that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”   I Peter 5:10 says…”But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto His eternal glory by Jesus Christ, after ye have suffered a while, make you perfect (mature), establish (stabilizing grace), strengthen (strengthening grace), and settle you (settling grace).”  Because He is the God of all grace….His grace is sufficient (II Corinthians  12:9)…so He is sufficient.  It is Him who fills…the scriptures say…. “He satiates the soul”….of the weary and suffering soul with His Goodness (Jere.31:13b,14,25).

For those of you who are suffering, may He satiate your soul with His Goodness…He is always Good.  He cannot be anything apart from Good.  (The sovereignty of God does not always “feel” good, but He is always Good.)  Rest in Him.

Here are some thoughts:

  • Suffering will come as we seek to identify with Christ.
  • Amy Carmichael said…referring to suffering and not knowing the answer as to why….”We are trusted by God with the unexplained.”  Amy suffered much the last 20 years of her life.
  • Seek the Lord now spiritually, so as to be able to have an attitude of gratitude when the time comes to suffer for Him.  It will take time and discipline now…. to develop a life of praise and thanksgiving to Him in all things.
  • When suffering comes, we will have to dig deeper….for deeper joy in Him.  Remember…gold doesn’t lay on top of the ground; diamonds form from extreme pressure; a pearl starts as a grain of sand irritating…!!!!
  • The Lord’s perspective is different from ours.  He will not withhold from His child anything that will bring that child into greater sweet fellowship with Him…even if it causes pain at times in the life of the child He loves deeply.
  • As we suffer, the pain we experience here becomes part of the process of “letting loose” of the things of this life…”the things of earth become strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.”
  • As we respond to others stories of grief, suffering, pain, or loss, be careful to be sensitive to their need at that time.  Let them talk, listen carefully…but do not make it “your story” by telling about your time of suffering.  Remember “it is not about you…”  It is their time to grieve, weep, and need support.  They need a friend to listen and support them.
  • Just think ….this season of suffering may be your finest hour.

Posted in Daily Treasures for the Soul and SpiritHeart to heart for WidowsSuffering / GriefWidows

Born-again Believers Security

Posted on August 4, 2018 by Eliece Rybak

As Secure as God Is Faithful

Moreover, whom he did predestinate, them he also called, and whom he called, them he also justified, and whom he justified, them he also glorified. (Romans 8:30)

Between eternity past in God’s predestination, and eternity future in God’s glorification, none is lost.

No one who is predestined in the foreknowledge of God for sonship fails to be called. And no one who is called fails to be justified. And no one who is justified fails to be glorified. This is an unbreakable steel chain of divine covenant faithfulness.

And so Paul says,

Being confident of this very thing, that He who hath began a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. (Philippians 1:6)

“…Our Lord Jesus Christ, who shall also confirm you unto the end, that ye may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. (1 Corinthians 1:8–9)

These are the promises of our God who cannot lie. Those who are born again believers in Jesus Christ are as secure as God is faithful.


Posted in Daily Treasures for the Soul and SpiritEncouragement for the Heart

About the author…

Posted on January 30, 2013 by Eliece Rybak

Hi……Welcome to a small ‘Nook” of Encouragement’.

I am no one special, but the Lord I serve is very special.  I am, first and foremost, a born-again Christian who has my sins forgiven, and am on my  way to Heaven, by no merit of my own.

I am a mother of four, grandmother of fourteen, and now I am a widow.  Very unexpectedly, my husband was taken home to be with his Precious Lord that he loved, on September 12th, 2011.   We were married for 35 years, and now my life has changed forever.

This “nook” is not really about me though, it is about a decision everyone needs to make and that I made when I was 20 years old.  It is about knowing the God who made us and loves us more than anyone else in the whole world.

I am not talking about a “religion”,  but a “personal relationship” with a “personal God”.

I trusted the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Savior from sin years ago, and it was the one most important decision that I ever made in my whole entire life.  It was foundational.

( If you want details on that kind of decision, go to the section with the question “Where will I spend Eternity?”)

In this section of the  ‘nook of encouragement’, I want to tell you some, as my girlfriend calls them, “God stories”.   These are true events in my life and in the lives of others, that have shown me the heart of the Lord that I serve.  They reveal the struggles of the human heart, but  more importantly, the tender loving care of a Gracious, Ever-Present, and Awesome God.

“The Cross and a Hymn”

I was traveling home after a stay at my daughter’s in North Carolina.

It would be a  ten hour  drive, alone.  My husband had passed into Glory

ten months before, and I travel alone now wherever I go.

It is a very tiring drive, and I did not leave until 4:30 in the afternoon,

which meant I would not arrive home until 2:30 am.

I knew I could not make it.  I needed to get a hotel room.

I started crying and praying.  I had not stayed in a hotel alone since

my husband died.  When we had stayed in a hotel in the past,

it was always with my husband, and usually on our anniversary, so it was very special.

I just cried, sobbed,  “Lord, I can’t do this.  This is too hard!”

I prayed and asked Him to give me the strength to just drive

until 2:30 am.  As the time passed, I knew I was too exhausted.

By this time I was really upset.

I had been listening to a Christian radio station, and realized that I had

lost the station.  I hit the radio station button only once, and a hymn come on.

That is very unusual.  Usually I have to search for a long time to

find another Christian radio station.

At the very same moment, on the southbound lane of I-81,

I saw a 60 foot lighted cross!

The really amazing thing

was….it wasn’t just any hymn that the Lord gave me

on the radio just at that moment.

It was the hymn “Does Jesus Care?”.

The hymn says, “Does Jesus care when my heart is pained

too deeply for mirth and song;

As the burdens press,  and the cares distress,

and the way grows weary and long?….

When for my deep grief I find no relief,

Tho’ my tears flow all the night long?…..

Does Jesus care when I’ve said “good-by”

to the dearest on Earth to me,

and my sad heart aches till it nearly breaks,

Is it aught to Him? Does He see?”

“O yes, He cares;  I know He cares,

His heart is touched with my grief;

When the days are weary, the long nights dreary,

I know my Savior cares”.

I just listened to the hymn that the Lord gave me,

and let it penetrate into the depths of my soul…..

as I watched the 60 foot lighted Cross come closer and closer.

The Lord at that moment brought peace into my soul

where there was deep loss, grief  and anxiety

from my being alone.

I said,  “OK, Lord, I get the message….. you are  with me

and you are going to walk with me through this.”

The Lord was so “present” with me,  so I got off

the road and stayed over night.

I did cry, but my anxiety was gone,

and I had peace because the Lord was so

faithful to care about  me….enough to put a hymn,

but not just any hymn…that hymn,

on the radio at the same time as a lighted cross….

a 60 foot lighted cross,

to show me His presence with me.

Our God is Good, and He is Faithful.

Another time………..

Holidays are very difficult for those of us who have a very special person missing from our lives.

There is a very big void in our lives when that person is gone, but the empty place at the table is almost unbearable.

And it just so happens that our wedding Anniversary is two days after Christmas.

My husband was called home to Glory in September.

Also, exactly three weeks to the day that I buried my husband I buried my Mother.

That was October.  Thanksgiving and Christmas, November and December, were very difficult,

but on top of all of that, I had to face my wedding anniversary all alone….without my spouse

…my better half…that other person with whom I was ‘one’ .

I was visiting my children in NC for Christmas.

I dreaded the anniversary because I did not know how to get through the day without overwhelming grief.

Several precious friends had sent me books to read when my husband died, and I had taken them with me.

The book I chose to bring and read was about a nurse who had lost her husband very suddenly.

(What you should know here is that I am a nurse also.)

When she started relaying the story, and mentioned her husband’s name, I just cried.

Her husband’s name was Cecil and so was my husband’s name Cecil.

That is not a common name but the Lord was in this.

This lady wrote this book several years before, and the Lord was going to walk me through our anniversary

reading about another born-again Christian nurse who had a husband named Cecil, who had also died very suddenly.

I cried and hung onto every thought.  The Lord that I serve had taken care of her, provided for her,

and  He was encouraging my heart that He would do the same for me.

The Lord in His sovereignty allowed me to have that book just when He knew

that my heart needed encouragement to look to Him for strength, courage and comfort.

Psalm 37:23

” The steps of a good man (or woman) are ordered by the Lord.”

A “good man” is one that is “upright in their manner of life” (37:14), one that has “peace” (37:37),

one that has his strength in the Lord (37:39), and

is helped, delivered, saved by the Lord, and trusts in the Lord (37:40).

Our “steps” are our every day, every part of our day events, thoughts, actions and

even our feelings.  It is who and what the Lord brings into our lives.

He oversees, directs, orchestrates, purposes, plans, designs and brings to pass

all that comes and goes in and out of our lives…..for His purpose and Glory.

All that to say this……

These “God stories” are specific ways that our God we serve is working,

designing, planning and purposing.

It says in Philippians 2:13,

“For it is God who worketh in you to will and to do of his good pleasure”.

The Lord orders our steps.  Those of us who walk with the God we serve know this in truth.

Another time…..

Without revealing too many details in the lives of the ones the Lord has brought into my life,

I would like to tell you about a dear Christian lady, who through various circumstances,

invited me to stay in her home after just meeting me and realizing that I really

had no place to stay that night.  We had a mutual friend, but did not really know each other

and had just met a couple hours before.

As we talked, we realized the Lord had orchestrated this.  We  were both recently widowed.

We cried together and prayed together as we saw that the Lord had brought together two

grieving souls, who desperately missed our mates,

and needed someone to talk to who understood.  It is such a comfort for a widow to

find another widow to share our grief and sorrow.  It seems that the Lord ministers to

our hearts, eases the burden some, and comforts us when we find in another soul

who has this deep understanding of our grief.  That was the beginning….

we loved the same Savior, liked the same organic food, had the same ideas about many things,

and most unusual of all, our husbands had the same name.

I only spent one evening and night there, but we parted as friends

that felt like we had known each other for ever.

We live 2,200 miles apart but now pray for each other.

The love of Christ is an amazing thing.  As soon as we find out that a person is a

born-again Christian, there seems to be an immediate bond, and the love of Christ

in our hearts is immediately offered to the other person with joy and thanksgiving.

To God be the Glory…praise His name.

Another time…..

As a widow…who was used to having a mate walk with her through life….

who had someone there to see her through the times that are difficult…

times of hurt and times of stress and distress….

like when going to the doctor for “not fun” procedures…

(Pray for the widows and widowers in your circle of acquaintance because

they now have to walk in this life without the hand to hold of their

best friend, without the reassuring smile, and the

prayers of the one they so dearly loved, and closely depended upon.)

I needed to go to the doctor.

But this doctor was almost an hour and a half away, and no one

could go with me on this short notice.

Then when I was told where to go, it was quite possibly in the place

where my husband had died just a short time before.

I was not really familiar with all these places that far away,

but this was not going to be easy.

I just took some time to pray.

I asked the Lord to go with me, work out the details,

 and give me peace in this whole situation.

As I arrived where my GPS told me to go, it was not exactly the same building

where my husband died, which was a relief.

I breathed a prayer of thanks and praise to the Lord

for His care.

Now I had to face the doctor…alone.

As I spoke to the doctor about not having any health insurance,

he went to the computer and said “that I can fix”.

He cancelled the office fee and his personal fee.

His manner was so kind, gentle, and gracious….

When I left the office, I had this overwhelming feeling that the presence of

 the Lord Himself had been there taking care of me…. (which He was),

I was so overwhelmed with His Goodness,

I went to tears as I walked out of that office….

tears of relief, comfort and peace.

His presence in the life of the believer is so precious.

Another time….

I needed a fairly minor surgical procedure,

I experienced His vivid answer to my earnest request.

I was to leave very soon for the surgical appointment,

no one to go with me….except Him.

I “needed” my husband who was in Heaven with the Lord,

which was not possible.

But I knew that in the Bible, the Lord tells us that He will be the

husband to the widow.  I started praying….asking the Lord…

“Lord, I do not know how you can be my husband right now,

but I need you to be with me in this… now…

I need to know that you are going with me …I need You now.”

Just as I paused in my prayer…. (my computer was on the

web site for  It is a Christian radio station on line.

It is my habit to have this on much of the day.)

…..a hymn was being sung…

It said,

“Fear not, I am with thee, O be not dismayed,

For I am thy God, I will still give thee aid;

I’ll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand,

Upheld by My gracious, omnipotent hand.”

(…..the hymn “How Firm A Foundation”)

I did not have the hand of my sweet husband as I thought that I needed,

but I had the promise of the Lord I serve

that His omnipotent hand was there to uphold me !!!!

This is the “presence” of the Lord Himself in dealing

with the “beloved of the Lord”.

Deut. 33:12 says  “The beloved of the LORD shall dwell in safety by Him;

and the LORD shall cover him all the day long, and he shall dwell between his shoulders.”

Then in:
2Thes. 2:13, the Lord tells us, “But we are bound to give thanks always to God for you,

brethren beloved of the Lord,

because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation

through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth.”

We widows who miss our sweet mates,

come to understand that we have the Lord Himself as our “husband” now.

In scripture we believers are called ‘His beloved’:

Bitterness: What do I do with it?

Posted on September 5, 2019 by Eliece Rybak

Have you ever been hurt , attacked, misused, offended, abused or falsely accused by another person?  Many of us have.  Maybe the other person has wronged us greatly, sometimes unknowingly, but many times knowingly and viciously.

What do we do?

We do not forget, do we?  It is always there.  We can train our minds not to think about it or dwell on it.  That is very much like suppressing it, pushing it down.  But does it go away?  No.  It keeps surfacing.  Why?  If we had truly forgiven that person, it would not keep surfacing and coming to mind with that “hurt” feeling.

That is bitterness. It has a deep root; and, just when we think we have it all under control and suppressed out of our mind, it ‘pops up’ its ugly head.  In the Hebrews 12, it talks about this root of bitterness: “Looking diligently…lest a root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and by it many be defiled.”  We have to watch for this and recognize it as bitterness against another person.  Bitterness that first defiles the one holding the bitterness, and then defiles many around that person.

How does it defile?  It makes us so we cannot forgive.  It does not allow us to forgive the offense, and let it go.  We get to thinking that we are justified in the feelings of hurt.  It keeps us in bondage.  Forgiveness never means that what the other person did or said  was right or acceptable.  But we have no right not to forgive.  We have been forgiven by God for all our sins and trespasses. Forgiveness means that we are willing to give up our right to hold the other person accountable, and we relinquish our right to revenge.  God says, “Vengeance is mine; I will repay.”  It is our work of faith to offer this offense up to the Lord, give it up, give it away.  It is no longer ours to own.  Then we have no right to revenge, and best of all, it cannot hurt us or keep us in bondage any longer.  The Lord takes it all.

This is surrender.  It is surrendering our will to Him, allowing Him to take care of it. Sometimes we like to feel the ‘victim complex’.  That make us feel justified that they wronged us.  Maybe they did, but forgiveness surrenders all of that.

Elisabeth Elliot said, “Anything offered up to God is a ‘Gateway to Joy’.”  Can the Lord take the “sacrifice of praise” offered up to Him, and turn it to good for us?  (Hebrews 13:15 says…”By Him (by Christ, by His forgiveness extended to us for our sin, by His grace), therefore, let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His name.”

Do I believe the sovereignty of God? Do all things work together for good?  Is it not true that the Lord allows these things in our lives to purify us, to draw us to Himself, and to make us more Christ-like?

Would I go so far to say that the Lord purposely had that person to offend us, so that we could learn what it means to forgive, to offer the offense to God? So He can deal with that person (if it was a purposefully vicious attack)?  Is his ultimate goal for us to be more like Christ?  God is never the author of evil, but sometimes He allows the evil of man’s heart to do what it is bent on doing, to bring us to Himself.

What did Christ do when He was treated unjustly?

He said “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”

When there is a seeming tragedy (like ‘9/11’) people ask, “Where was God when this was happening?”

He is in the same place He was when they were nailing His Son to the cross unjustly, for my sins/for your sins, and for the sins of the whole world.

Remember the Lord knows and hears ALL.  Go to Him, and release all of it on Him.  Guard your heart against bitterness.  Bitterness blinds us.  It blinds our minds and our thinking.
Revenge holds us captive to internal torture, and keeps us in bondage.
It will affect how we think, how we act, what we do and say, and it will affect our health.
Literally, it will destroy us.

Surrender to the Lord all bitterness. The sovereign God knows all things, and He will deal with that person. Forgiveness releases us from bondage.  If we do not forgive, that person has a vicious hold over us, and we are in bondage. Bitterness keeps us in bondage to the person who has already hurt us. Do not give them that power over you. It is a choice… choose your own freedom from that hurtful person.

Many times that person does not even know that we have bitterness toward them, or maybe subconsciously we want revenge (want them to hurt like we hurt), when in reality, it is only hurting us.  If we do not release the bitterness to the Lord, we are saying that we want to deal with that person, and the Lord cannot/will not deal with them “the way they need to be dealt with”.  This is a lack of faith, and in reality rebellion. We must offer that hurt up to the Lord, and He can repay to that person their due better than we ever could.  He will chose His time and place to deal with them.  Our path is to surrender to Him, and be free from bondage.

Remember also…no man lives to himself.  Our bitterness will affect others around us.  Moms …our children will be affected.  It will cloud their minds and hearts to the sweetness and grace of God in their lives.  Sometimes they will take on our bitterness, but if not it will cause anxiety and emotional distress for them.  This is evident in divorce situations that are “nasty”.

Can we ever think that our suffering is for our good and for His glory?  II Corinthians 4:17, says “For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory”.

What is this “far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory”?  Becoming more Christ-like in our responses to the “light afflictions” in this life.  It is reflecting the glory of the Lord to a greater degree through our suffering.  This is worth any hurt that He allows/brings into our life.  He is our “vision”.

The hymn “Be Thou My Vision” says:

“Be Thou my Vision O Lord of my heart;

Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art;

Thou my best thought, by day or by night,

Waking or sleeping, Thy Presence my light.”

Then later lines say…

“Thou and Thou only, first in my heart;

High King of heaven, my treasure Thou art.

Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,

Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all.”

We sing this hymn, but do we truly mean “whatever befall”?  “Whatever befall” until someone says something that hurts my feelings?  This is not the response of a mature Christian.  Sometimes pride is the underlying sin….. ‘I think I have a right not to be treated that way’.  Christ had a right not to be crucified because He was righteous, but He surrendered it to the Father…”Nevertheless, not My will but Thine”.

Hebrews 12:2 says…. “Looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith, Who for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”  We can endure anything if we keep our eyes on “the Joy that is set before us”.  Endure does not mean grudgingly, or “white knuckling” it. Endure is recognizing that He is with us, always present, carrying the “easy yoke” (Matt. 11:28-29), and walking in the fiery furnace and lions den with us always.  Endure has our gaze on the face of our Savior. Endure with faith in his sovereignty, that He has His perfect will working in us, to work His will and reflect His glory.

Elisabeth Elliot put it this way… (referring to Jan 8th 1956):

“When I sat by my short wave radio and learned that my husband was missing, the Lord brought to mind what the prophet Isaiah said …

‘when thou passest through the waters I will be with thee’ “.  This thrust me, forced me, hurried me to God, my only Refuge.”

“Suffering is the irreplaceable medium

through which I learned the indispensable truth that

He is LORD.”  (Elizabeth Elliot)

Elisabeth Elliot says…”Think of your pain, trial, troubles as a challis, to be held up and offered up to the Lord, even in the midst of your suffering…stop what you are doing and offer it up as an act of worship……..anything offered up to God  becomes a gateway to joy.”

The results of all this will be:

(1) When you think of the person that hurt you, you will pity them and pray for them (Matt. 5:44), because you have truly forgiven them.  Hopefully you will come to love them.

(2) You will become numb to the “hurt” of the offense, because the bondage is gone.  You released it to the Lord. (Hebr. 13:15)

(3) You can begin to ask the Lord to bring “blessing” into that person’s life (I Peter 3:9b) every time it comes to mind.

(4) Ultimately, you will thank the Lord for the person, the hurt, and the result of that offense, bringing you closer to the Lord in your walk with Him, and the more Christ-like you have become.  You now reflect Him and His glory more than you ever could have without that which the LORD brought into your life.  (II Cor. 3:18)

Congratulations, the Lord has just prepared your heart and soul for your next trial and your next step of faith.  Praise Him

Use what God has given you.

Posted on May 5, 2020 by Eliece Rybak

Each of us are God’s creation and are fearfully and wonderfully made. But the Lord did not create all of us equal in this life. To each He has given a spiritual gift to be used for His glory. Also He has given talents to each individual to be used and developed for His glory.

The principle in scripture is: Use what God has given you for Him.

In Genesis 3, God said to Moses, “What is that in thine hand?”. He was showing Moses that He could take whatever it is that we have to bring glory to Himself.

What is the spiritual gift God has given you?  (Romans 12:6-15)

Is it the gift of mercy, then be merciful to all.

Is it the gift of helps?  Then be a help to those around you that God might be glorified.

Is it teaching?  Then who are your students?  Teach as the Lord leads, and seek to glorify Him with all those you mentor.

Is it the gift of giving?  Give liberally as the Lord leads, and as He has prospered you.

Is your gift ministering?  Minister with all your heart.

Is your gift ‘ruling’? Then humbly with all mercy and diligence organize and direct His ministry, that He has put in your care, with cheerfulness.

Is your gift the gift of a prophet?  Then very wisely and carefully handle the giving of God’s word to those God has brought to you.  (This is the gift given to pastor/evangelists.)

But understand the Lord will never require of you something He has not given, and something that He is not willing and able to do through you.

Comparing ourselves with others and their gifts is not wise (II Cor. 10:12).  It is nothing to us what gifts others have been given and how they use them.  We are only accountable how we use our own gifts.  As we use those gifts to the best ability in His power and strength, we will have the same reward in Heaven as those ‘with whom it seems’ have greater gifts than we do.  He is the “rewarder of them that diligently seek Him” (Hebr. 11:6).

Posted in Daily Treasures for the Soul and SpiritEncouragement for the Heart

The Glory of His Presence

Posted on May 5, 2020 by Eliece Rybak

The Glory of His Presence

by Oswald J. Smith

I have walked alone with Jesus
in a fellowship divine.
Never more can earth allure me,
I am His and He is mine.

On the mountain I have seen Him,
Christ my Comforter and Friend
And the glory of His presence
Will be with me to the end.

I have seen Him, I have known Him,
And He deigns to walk with me;
And the glory of His presence will
be mine eternally.

Oh, the glory of His presence,
Oh, the beauty of His face,
I am His and His forever,
He has saved me by His grace.

Posted in About MeDaily Treasures for the Soul and SpiritEncouragement for the HeartHis Presence….Hymns

Suffering / Grief

 Suffering / Grief

As we look around pondering the suffering and ugliness in this broken sinful world, we just do not see many things that really make sense.

We see so much suffering in the world, and it seems that it is increasing as the time for the Lord’s return draws near.

Our hearts are sad at the moral decline on the individual level and on the national level.  The existence of the traditional family is being threatened and it seems no one is paying much attention to this change.   We see more and more solid traditional values being challenged, and thrown out the window.  The break down of the family unit brings a whole realm of suffering for all the members of the family.

Some look at all this and ask, “Where is God in all this?”

They see the suffering and question the existence of God,

or question the character of God?

“Is the Lord who He says He is?”   “Is He in control of all things”

“Does He care what happens to me?”

Because man is sinful and disobedient, does this mean that God is not in control,

or worse, does it mean God actually does not care what is happening?

Jesus said, “My grace is sufficient for thee”….

( How can we know this for sure?)

“….for My strength is made perfect in (your) weakness” ( 11 Cor. 12:9 ).

Are we weak,  weary,  sad,  hurting, or fearful?

He assures that His strength is “complete to accomplish” what ever is our need,

and what it is that the

Lord is trying to accomplish in us during our weakness.

He becomes our strength!

He becomes the one who comforts us

(“by the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted of God.”

 11 Corinthians 1:4)

He says that the comfort with which we are comforted of God,

is the comfort that we will ultimately share with others ( II Cor.  1:4,5 ).

The comfort shared with me in my time of trial is available to me because

someone else has had a trial, and knows my travail.

God ministers through others to me…how wonderful for me.

That means He used the suffering of someone else for His Glory.

They were comforted of God in their trial,

and now they can see that God had a purpose in that suffering and pain.

Good came from it.

He says in Romans 8:28 that “all things work together for good“.

   Through the eyes of faith, we see that God can make some good come from our suffering.

Suffering will come in this life, and so too will grief.

Losses come that hurt so deeply we think our lives will never recover.

Nothing is the same.  Our life is upside down, and so confused.

Our hearts are broken, bleeding, and “in pieces”.

We sorrow greatly and grieve deeply.

It just plain hurts to “go on” with life and we are not sure we

even want to think about going on without the one we lost.

We see no good way to do that.  Life just plain hurts!!!!

Ecclesiastes 3:1-6 talks about a time to weep and mourn (grieve),

but it also talks about a time to heal.

It talks about “a time to keep and a time to cast away”.

Grief is like that.  It hurts to keep it, but it hurts to cast it away.

We want so desperately to go back to the way it was before the loss

….before this deep, relentless hurt came into our lives.

  But there is no going back…it can never be the way it was.

If you have lost a loved one……

(someone described it like this):

There was a story told about a widow whose husband had died.

He was a wonderful, accomplished musician.

After he died she locked up the piano, closed the door to the

music room, and let no one in there.

Each morning she would open the door, stand in the doorway,

and mourn the loss of the beloved musician and the exquisite music.

  She was haunted by the memories of the music.

As this person described it,  he called it “the slow wisdom of grief”:

Yes, we realize that the “melody”  this person played on our life

will never be played quite like that…. ever again.

 There will always be a hole there.

The loss of that dream, those expectations, that loved one….there will always be a gap.

No one can “play the music” like that one, but don’t close the keyboard.

Don’t just let it collect dust.  It is not what we lost, but what we have left. 

He said…. Seek out other “musicians” that will walk the road with us.

It is ultimately those that captivate our focus who recreate

the joy in our lives.

For us who know the Lord,

the joy that the Lord gives us is there.

Sometimes the grief covers the joy temporarily, but it is there.

Sometimes we cannot feel it  like we would like to, but it is there.

This person gave….. Three Aspects of Good Grief

 1.  Grieving is a necessary God given expression and a healthy release.

  2.  Grieving is good as long as it refuses the temptation to hide from the future.

  3.  Grieving is good as long as it ultimately focuses on the living.

Six Characteristics of Bad Grief:

1.  Mourning the loss is especially crippling when it is combined with guilt.

2.  Mourning is especially crippling when it demands to be alone.

3. The negative emotions of mourning are very contagious.  It gets others down.

4.  Bad grief is extremely unhealthy because it overlooks present blessings.

5.  Bad grief is incredibly harmful because it underestimates the value of other people.

6.  Bad grief is unusually deceiving because it will distort and reverse truth….

     like the widow who thinks she is now worthless without her spouse;

     or the parent who thinks she is a failure in the loss of the child.

Job’s Wife

Job was a man in scripture who lost everything.  He was a wealthy man who was righteous before God and was a man of great integrity with his fellow man.

Through no fault of his own, he lost all of his possessions.  His oxen, camels and asses were stolen, his sheep burned up, his servants killed and then his 10 children all died.

Next he lost his health.  He had open sores all over his body, oozing pus…can you imagine the sight of him, and the smell?  He went and sat on an ash heap….the dump, maybe out with the lepers of the day, and scraped the pus off his body with a broken piece of pottery.

He did have his wife left.  She is usually criticized here because she tells her husband to give up his integrity, and “Curse God, and die”.

I would like to look just a moment at Job’s wife.

She was the wife of a wealthy man… had everything!  She probably had a beautiful home, servants, beautiful clothes.  She was the wife of a Prince.  All was going well and through no fault of her own, she is now destitute.  Her husband lost his job, and all the status and wealth that goes along with that.  She may have had to sell her gold jewelry to live, and maybe did not have much left to sell.

On top of that, she lost her ten children.

This woman is grievingly deeply…..and where is her husband to put his arm around her and console her?  He is out in the ash heap in the city dump with the lepers in pain.  On top of mourning her ten dead children, she has to watch her poor husband suffer in excruciating pain and agony.  She can’t even relieve his suffering and pain.

I think she just couldn’t take it anymore and came to her husband…who probably wanted to reach out and wrap his arms around her, but he was full of pus oozing sores.  She was suffering so desperately, more than any other time in her life.  She may have collapsed on the ash heap beside him and sobbed.

Maybe this is where her faith wavered?  (Is this where you are?)  Maybe this is her despair setting in?  She may have decided that life was not worth living.  Do we blame her?

(Job did not reach this desperate state until later.)

She asks…”Do you still hold to your integrity”?  Maybe she couldn’t stand to see him suffer anymore.  She may have felt that sudden death would be a relief for him, so she suggests that he should let go….give up on his faith and die.

This is where I am sure he wanted to wrap his arms around her, hold her close,  and reassure her of the love of his great God.

He says….(Job 2:10) ” Shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil?”

This “receive” is actively delivering to us good, signifying we are reaching out actively to receive it.  So if it is pain, we would accept it, actively reach up and receive it also.

Has God been good and faithful to us in the past?

Does he not have the right to allow all things in our lives?

Job still believed in the goodness of God and His sovereignty.

But his wife was grieving deeply, and was starting to lose hope.

Trials and grief make us take a good look at what is really important

to us and of “value” of things in our lives.

Charles Spurgeon said concerning grief….

“When your grief and suffering presses you down to the dust, then worship there. 

If that spot has become your Gethsemane, then present there thy strong crying and tears unto God.”

David said in the Psalm 42:3 & 4….

“My soul thirsteth for God….   my tears have been my food day and night……

when I remember these things, I pour out my soul…”

Later in that Psalm, he rehearses the loving kindness of the Lord,

and praises the Lord for the help of His countenance ( His Presence).

His conclusion is …”Hope thou in God…”

Verse 11:  “Why art thou cast down, O my soul? And why art thou

disquieted (the loud cry of mourning) within me?

Hope thou in God.”

There is good and there is evil, but the heart of faith sees that He is the One who is present to help.

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”  (Psalm 46:1)

The one grieving eventually has to make some decisions….not that they want to.

They can hardly “muster up” enough courage to get up in the morning

and try to make some sense of this new day, after a restless night.

Elizabeth Elliot was a young missionary that lost her husband.

She gives us a glimpse of the difference between resignation and acceptance.

Resignation gives up with no hope.

Acceptance looks beyond ourselves…and sees God.


… the surrender to fate.

… feels “It is all over for me.”

… lies down in an empty universe

… thinks “What a waste……”


… a surrender to God

… rises up to meet the God of the universe

… says, “OK Lord, now that I am here, what’s next?”

……”In what redemptive way, Lord, can you use this mess?”

God’s redemptive purpose:

So does our merciful God have a purpose in all our suffering?

Yes He does.

For a believer, one who looks beyond ourselves to God,

and accepts His plan for our lives, and

 all that comes into our lives, the Lord gently guides us into

 becoming more like Christ in our whole being.

Romans 8:29 says that God desires that we would be conformed

to the image of His dear Son.  He is trying to build Christ into our lives.

If, in our grief, we can look to the creator God to make sense out of all of it,

He will answer that cry of our heart.

“Hope thou in God”.

He will put it into a perspective that will give us

the purpose for living that we so desperately need.

Look to Him with eyes of faith….. He will not fail you.

Colossians 1:27  tells what our hope is…. it says,

“Christ in you the Hope of glory”

He is the hope “in” us and among us.

11 Corinthians 2:14 says,  “Now thanks be unto God who always

causeth us to triumph in Christ“.

Romans 9:22-24 tells us that He suffered for us so that…

“He might make known the riches (the immeasurable and marvelous greatness) of His glory on the vessels (us) of mercy,

 which He had prepared before time unto glory.”

Christ desires to make Himself known to us, and perfect in us His

glory that we might have triumph over all things, even our grief and sorrow.

Lamentations 3:32 & 33 is very comforting ….

“But though He cause grief, yet will he have compassion according to the multitude of His mercies.

For He doth not afflict willingly, nor grieve the children of men.”

The things that come into my life are not purposely just to make me sad and grieve deeply.

He has a plan, and in His goodness He is ‘working all things well’ to ‘conform us to the image of His Son’.

If you do not know Christ and His transforming power in salvation,

please go to “Where will I spend Eternity?” on the home page.